Osmanische Herberge Facebook Page Youtube Channel Osmanische Herberge Kall Instagram Sheikh Hassan Dyck
  • Salam Alaikum & Welcome

    Since 20 years the Osmanische Herberge - located 1 hour West of Cologne in the Eifel - is a house of open doors and spiritual teaching in the tradition of a Sufi Dergah.

  • Live Spirituality

    People from all arond the world gather frequently to enjoy the association, take communal meals and remember Allah, as advised by Sufi Master Sheikh Nazim.

  • Pray Together

    Muslims and people of different faith are welcome at any time. Here you find the times for communal prayers and the Juma (Friday Prayer).

  • SufiSoul Festival

    The "SufiSoul" Worldmusic Festival will take place for the 21th time this summer in the Osmanische Herberge. Festival information and further concert dates you may find here.

  • Sommercamp / Wintercamp

    Twice a year we come together at the Osmanische Herberge for a 7-days family camp woth a diverse selection of workshops and seminaries. Read more.

  • Quran Lessons

    We offer free Quran-Lessons in our center for everyone who wants to study the holy Quran. Learn more about the Quran School.

  • Celebrate Weddings

    Our doors are open for everyone intending to marry. We invite you to celebrate with us. Read more about muslim holidays and weddings.

  • Experience Nature

    The Nationalpark Eifel is inviting to nature - families with kids are welcome!
    Information on directions, accomodation and popular destinations nearby you may find here.

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Foto Gallerien

Scheikh Hassan

Scheikh Nazim

Veranstaltungen & Konzerte

Scheikh Muhammad Adil



Sommercamp 2016

Scheikh Hassan 70ter

Interkulturelles Festival Steinfeld

Umrah 2016

Besuch Scheikh Mehmet 2017

SufiSoul Music Festival

Perlen der Weisheit


Tag der offenen Moschee 2017


Adhan - der Gebetsruf. Aufnahme mit Ali Keeler beim SufiSoul Festival

Juma Khutba 6.Oktober 2017 - gehalten von unserem Ehrengast, Scheikh Abdul Hafith Wentzel

Veröffentlichungen und Info-Flyer als .pdf-Downloads

Interview Scheikh Hassan im KStA

pdf öffnen / herunterladen

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