'It Was Like Paradise'
Everything with him and for him was easy –
We are here with Maulana's Barakah (blessing) –
He is the greatest Wali in this century.
Sheikh Muhammad Adl ar-Rabbani about Maulana Sheikh Nazim's Miracle of Time
Bradford/England, Jan. 21, 2023
[…] During the three holy months Maulana Sheikh Nazim was traveling, and being with people. Until 1974 he had been traveling from Cyprus to Damascus. From that time he had been coming to London, England. You know, and many people know. He was here for three months, but when it was Ramadan it was very special in his time. People were coming from all around the world: from Far East, from Far West, North, South... All of them spent one month with him: praying, fasting, doing Tasbihat, Tahlilat, and Sohba in his presence. It was like Paradise for people.
Now people say that we must do this, but this passed; times have changed. Our time is very strange, it is very tight. The Tajalli (manifestation) changes, and our Tajalli, Hal (state) is different from Maulana's. Mash'Allah Maulana Sheikh Nazim is the real sultan. Everything with him and for him was easy.
With Maulana Sheikh – there are Awliyah who have Karamah (miracle) of Tayyu Makan. Tayyu Makan means when they want to go somewhere, in one step, they can be in Makkah, they can also be in Madinah. Many times they pray there, then come back and pray with their Jama'ah also.
Awliyau'Llah (saints) are famous for this, but also for something else: Tayyu Zaman. Zaman means time. Their time can be widened. In one day they can do what we are maybe doing in one week. That was Maulana's real Karamah. In his last days people were coming every day; he was meeting nearly at least a hundred people. How?! And he was listening to people, "slowly, slowly", taking their time. When we listen they say "quickly, quickly". But he was listening to all of them, and finishing with all of them. It was real. He has thousands of Karamah, but this is one that you can see, you cannot deny it.
Alhamdulillah, this is what his time was like – that time when he was coming to London, to England, and also here. Very easily he was coming and going, meeting thousands of people. Now we are hearing – we know of many Karamah of Maulana but every time we hear a new one. What is this! Mashah'Allah! We have never heard of it! What we know from his Karamah is maybe one percent. There is a thousand percent. Some even saw Maulana once, with his Karamah he appeared to them.
Alhamdulillah, these are Awliyau'Llah. He is the greatest of them, the greatest Wali in this century. What was said here or what others said, all is from his Karamah. He sent you to gather here. We are only like a mirror, a small mirror of him. Somebody must appear to collect the people around him. He said, 'He (Maulana Sheikh Muhammad) is Khalifa. I now have work on the other side.'
So he is still active, sending all of you to gather here, to continue on his way, the way of the Prophet
. Once, before passing away, he said. 'Insha'Allah I am leaving.' My brother said, 'How shall we live! What shall we do!' He said, 'This is Tariqah, the way of Allah. One after one. it will continue. It is not cut when somebody changes worlds. It will continue, and we shall have help, insha'Allah.'
Alhamdulillah we are here with his Barakah (blessing). Even when we speak two words this Barakah will come to all of you insha'Allah – Barakah of Mashayikh, and Barakah of this gathering. Masha'Allah there are many Awliyau'Llah here; one of them is enough Barakah for all of you insha'Allah. […]
MEMORIES OF THE PRESENCEIntroduction by the Editor
During the lifetime of Maulana Sheikh Nazim, in the heavenly pre-Internet days, I frequently went for "treasure hunting", namely visiting his Dergah in order to write down his talks, which he had told me to do previously. Maulana Sheikh Nazim's description of the spirit (or rather the total lack of it) of his epoch, were ahead of his time. Then, however, I wasn't able to see the often visionary quality of his discourses.
This has changed. Looking again at those unpublished pages of Sheikh Nazim's Suhbas over various decades I am stunned by their modernity – the way he had analyzed the spirit of his/our era became a mirror of our present day society, where collective madness, technology worship, and the decay of any form of manners have become normality (as predicted by Archangel Jibreel, a.s.). Indeed, they are memories of his future, which is now – our present time.
Pressed and impressed by the impact of Maulana's message, and, in line with Sheikh Mehmet's above honouring of his blessed father's giant achievement, we decided to publish these Suhbas under the title
MEMORIES OF NOWone by one, two times a month, so that you can absorb them in the leasurely time they were given. insha'Allah. (But there will also be a short version, along with the extended version!)
Here is the first of those Suhbas 'The Last Tap', with many more to follow insha'Allah. May his memory be honoured by this project, may he be thanked endlessly, and may he be blessed always. To quote Maulana Sheikh Mehmet again, 'Everything was easy with him.'
It was Paradise, indeed. Wa min Allah at-taufiq. - Fatiha -
Aachen, 15th Rajab / 9 .February 2023
Safiyya Linges-Ramadan
BismillahirahmanirahimLefke Guest House, December 2003
The Last Water Tap
[After Dhikr Maulana Sheikh Nazim passes a cup filled with honey around, of which the attendants taste a bit.]
In Western countries people have got everything – everything but contentment! Outwardly and materially they were given everything. I am not saying given as "a present" since that would mean they would be thankful in their hearts. They have got everything – everything but contentment.
This is a sacred meeting. There are a lot of spiritual centers in Europe where they are passing around "cups", just like after this Dhikr. But there is nothing in them, and people just act as if they were drinking. The cups we are passing around in our meetings are full of water, and the water tap I'm connected to is working: when you open it something comes out. I am sorry to say that all other water taps are empty.
Once upon a time Dervish Hajji Mukhtar had to stay in hospital for a while. He was fed up with the bad food they were serving, and so he pretended that his plate was full of delicious things, like kebab, chicken, sweets... But in reality his plate was completely empty!